

Exporting Designs for Use in Figma | Website Development Company in Rajkot | Seawind Systems
Graphics Designing


When working in Figma, designers often create intricate designs that need to be shared, handed off to developers, or utilized across various platforms. One of the most critical steps in this process is exporting the designs effectively. Whether you are working on a web interface, a mobile app, or other digital projects, knowing how to export designs correctly from Figma can save time and ensure that assets appear exactly as intended across different environments.

In this blog post, we’ll walk through the essentials of exporting designs for use in Figma. From basic export settings to more advanced techniques, you’ll learn everything you need to know to streamline your workflow and maintain design consistency.

Why Exporting Is Important in Figma:

Exporting your designing in Figma ensures that you can make your visual assets usable across different mediums and platforms. Without proper exporting, developers might not be able to implement the designs correctly, or the final product might not appear as you intended. There are several reasons why exporting in Figma is essential:

Collaboration: Designers often work alongside developers, product managers, and other team members. Exporting the design files in the correct format makes it easy for other team members to access and implement.

Platform-Specific Assets: Different platforms (iOS, Android, Web) have specific design and resolution requirements. Exporting allows you to create platform-specific files optimized for performance and appearance.

Prototyping and Handoff: Developers need precise assets to match the visual design and follow the exact specifications laid out in the Figma design files.

Exporting Basics: Getting Started in Figma

Figma’s export feature is flexible and simple to use. Here’s a breakdown of how to export designs from Figma:

1. Selecting the Elements to Export:

Before you can export a design, you need to select the specific elements you want to export. Figma gives you the flexibility to choose individual layers, entire frames, groups, or the whole design file. To select:

  • Click on the layer, group, or frame you want to export.
  • Use the keyboard shortcut (Command or Ctrl + A) to select everything on the canvas if you want to export everything.

2. Accessing the Export Panel:

Once your elements are selected:

  • Go to the Properties Panel on the right-hand side of the screen.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the panel where you’ll find the Export section.
  • If the layer is exportable, click the plus (+) icon next to Export to open the export options.

3. Choosing the Export Format:

Figma provides the ability to export your design assets in multiple file formats. Depending on the type of asset and its intended use, you can choose from these file types:

PNG: A popular raster format that is widely used for UI elements, icons, and other small assets. PNG supports transparent backgrounds, which is particularly useful for UI elements.

JPG: A compressed raster format typically used for images that don’t require transparency. It’s ideal for photographs or complex designs.

SVG: A vector format, perfect for logos, icons, and graphics that need to scale without losing quality.

PDF: A vector format ideal for exporting design specs, wireframes, or assets that need to retain high-quality resolution at all sizes.

GIF: A format for exporting simple animations.

4. Defining Export Settings:

Once you’ve chosen your format, you can further customize the export settings to meet the specific needs of the platform you’re designing for.

Resolution: You can export your designs in multiple resolutions to accommodate various screen sizes and pixel densities. Common resolutions are:

  • 1x: Standard resolution.
  • 2x: Used for Retina displays and high-definition screens.
  • 3x: For ultra-high-definition displays.

Figma also lets you export in custom scales. For example, you could export an icon at both 1x and 2x resolutions in one go. To add multiple export settings, click the “+” sign next to the export button to define additional resolutions and formats.

Slicing: If you need to export specific portions of your design (e.g., an image from a larger frame), you can use the Slice tool. To do this:

  • Select the Slice Tool from the toolbar (or press S).
  • Draw a slice area over the portion of the design you want to export.
  • Once the slice is created, go to the export panel and set the format and resolution for that specific slice.

5. Exporting Multiple Assets at Once:

If you have a set of assets or multiple elements within a frame that need to be exported at once, Figma offers an efficient way to do so. Simply:

  • Select all the elements you want to export.
  • Open the Export panel and adjust settings for each selected asset.
  • Click the Export button. Figma will prepare a zip file for all the assets you’ve chosen.

6. Exporting Prototypes and Screenshots:

Sometimes, you may need to export entire prototypes or create visual mockups of your designs. Figma allows you to export prototype frames or take a screenshot of your design.

To export a prototype, you can simply share the prototype link with stakeholders.
For a screenshot, you can select the Present mode and use your system’s screenshot tool (e.g., Command + Shift + 4 on Mac or Snipping Tool on Windows) to capture an image of your design.

Advanced Exporting Features in Figma:

For more advanced workflows, Figma offers several powerful features to make exporting easier and more customizable.

1. Exporting with Naming Conventions:

For teams and large projects, using a consistent naming convention can make it easier to organize and identify assets. When exporting in bulk, consider naming layers and frames thoughtfully so that exported files follow a logical pattern.

2. Using Plugins for Bulk Export:

Figma’s plugin ecosystem is rich with tools to enhance your design process. There are various plugins available that can automate parts of the export process, including:

Iconify: A plugin for exporting icons in various formats and sizes.

Batch Export: Allows for quick batch exports with customizable file formats and resolutions.

Export Kit: A robust plugin for generating design assets optimized for iOS, Android, and web platforms.

These plugins save you time, especially when handling large-scale design systems or multiple platform requirements.

3. Exporting for Development (Code & Specs):

Figma offers a developer handoff feature that includes the ability to export code snippets (CSS, iOS Swift, Android XML) for individual elements. To use this feature:

  • Select the element you want to export.
  • In the Code tab of the right-hand panel, Figma generates code that the developer can directly implement.


Mastering the export functionality in Figma ensures your designs are used effectively across different platforms and by various team members. Whether you’re preparing assets for a mobile app, a website design, or sharing prototypes with clients, knowing how to export your Figma files efficiently will streamline your workflow and ensure consistency.

By understanding export settings, using Figma’s advanced features, and prioritizing collaboration, you ensure your designs reach their full potential and are implemented correctly.

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